Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Do most people blog more than once every two years?

I'm pretty sure I'm the absolute worst blogger in the world.

The cabin. The cabin is doing swell. Rentals are up, plenty of good feedback, and we're just about to finish refinancing. It took several years, but we finally paid down the mortgage enough to secure a beautiful 4.25% 15 year note. And... we're saving almost $500 a month. Let's hear it for a bad economy!

The kids. How do they grow like that? Our eldest child is almost ten years old. Ten. Years. Old. That's a decade. She's practically a grown up! Before long I'll have to shoot boys that want to date her. All four of the kids are great though. There's a bible verse somewhere that says what a blessing it is to have good kids... probably in Proverbs. We're blessed.

I'm thirty. It's funny to see yourself getting older/balder/fatter/lamer. In your mind's eye your still a strapping 18 year old stud - cocky and ready to take on the world. But then you walk past a mirror... and that whole facade comes crashing down. But, let's be honest, I was never a stud. Unless theater, choir, band and orchestra make you a stud. Pretty sure they don't.

Forex is fun. Believe it or not, I'm thinking about picking up another old blog I used to write in with all of my trading activity. I'm becoming a more profitable trader... but not quite "profitable" as of yet. Time will tell.

I love the crap out of my wife.

That's it. See you in 2013.
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