Sunday, April 19, 2009

Elephant Rock Rocks!

I took the boys to Elephant Rock the other weekend. It's just as cool as I remember it as a kid. We spent a solid 6 hours doing nothing but climbing boulders, jumping off of precarious ledges and hunting imaginary treasures. We could've gone longer, but were stopped by the dark. We completely tore the crap out of our clothes and only bloodied ourselves a few times - which isn't bad when you consider some of the exciting spots in which we found ourselves. At first they were cautious about jumping between boulders 30 feet in the air. But, by the end of the day they were jumping and clamoring with the best of them. My wife is probably glad she wasn't around to see it all!

All I can say is that if you are a kid, or have ever been a kid, you'll love it just as much as we did. Be sure to get off of the trails!


Unknown said...

Hey I love elephant rocks. I am also a Missouri Gerdel. Are you related to Norman, Dennis, Mel or Wayne?( my dad). My mother volunteered to do a bunch of Gerdel ancestry that might interest you. More later. Nice Family!

Unknown said...

Please send me an email.

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